Sorry for the lack of updates because i can't find time to come online this week. LOL. Anyway, i just realized that i havent update on last Sunday's outing with Shaohua, Samantha Tay, Michelle and Jiajiun.
So i only rmb i met up with Shaohua & Samantha at Bedok then we're off to Iluma to buy tickets for UP. Yes, i caught it! So happy, haha! And it didnt disappoint me after all, because the movie is really nice and heart warming even though it was a animation. :) Michelle came and meet us after that. After movie, went to meet Jiajiun as he & Michelle wanted to go Taka's Art Friend. Dinner was at Yoshinoya. Fun day overall! :)
Some good news to share: A2 for chinese. Which means no more retaking and no more chinese! Hehe. Such a relief and totally unexpected though! I should concentrate more on my Math and Science now, seriously.
Anyway, 'N' level for Social Studies and English is now less than 3 weeks! Yes, i really gotta start studying already. I should stop procrastinating, it is such a bad habit.